Makeup Tuesday’s…Clean Face Edition…

Good day people,

Let’s kick off makeup Tuesdays with the basics. Is your face clean?? Like really really squeaky clean? There a lot of products out there that promise to get rid of all the dirt and crinkles on and in your face. One product that has worked for me is the  OXY Rapid Treatment Fash Wash. You can get this product in most stores like CVS, Target, Walmart and all drugstores in your area. I find it to be very effective especially those who suffer from acne and other facial problems. I suffered from acne almost all me teenage and early adult life and I couldn’t find a product that could help me. I tried Proactive, Clean and Clear, and all acne clearing products out there. This one I think did it for me. I started to see changes in the first 2 weeks and now, my acne is almost gone. Give it a try and if you want more info on the product, I suggest you visit their website,  

I think having a clean face is the beginning of having healthy makeup habits. If you want to share any products that you think might help other people, please comment below or let me know if you have tried or are going to try OXY.

Wishing you love and light…

Inspiration Mondays! Valentine’s Day Edition…

Hello People,

Welcome back! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. So today we will be talking about love. Valentine’s day is tomorrow, so I thought why not talk about the holiday of love?? What is love? Is it a feeling, an emotion or a decision?…hmmm think about it. When you choose to love someone you must do all three. You have to feel them out a bit, have some type of emotional connection with them, and lastley, decide if you want to be with them. The last point is really the hardest and the most important because you can have the last two connections with almost anyone. You have to decide if you want this person, meaning putting up with the pretty and ugly sides of them. This Valentine’s Day, if you are in a relationship, evaluate it, not just tomorrow, but every day. See and decide if you really want to be with this person and if they bring out the best of and in you.

Well, I hope this is some useful advice, and if you want to offer more, why not comment below. Have a great Valentine’s Day and enjoy yourselves.

Wishing you love and light..


MakeUp Tuesday…

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all doing well. I want to introduce a new segment that will help both you and I explore the world of makeup! Now, who over here loves makeup??? By now, its seems like everyone either you like it or not is invested in this concept. I will be sharing some cool tips and tricks and also some products that I am into. If you are a makeup junkie, let me know what your favorite products are! Don’t be shy.

Ok, that will be all for now. See you on the next post.

Wishing you love and light…

Fall Blues…

Hey guys!
Happy Fall season to all of you. I have been on a hiatus lately and I haven’t blogged as muched as I would have loved to. Since its the beginning of a new season, I might as well start off this season right. Fall can mean many things to us. It can mean the start of something new, it can mean the beginnings of cold winters ahead (that’s usually me), and anything else you feel, have felt and hopefully will fill in the future. I titled this post Fall Blues because we are ending the year in just 2-3 months and maybe things didn’t turn out well this year as you hoped. If you feel discouraged, don’t, because you still have some time. You can do anything you want to and time isn’t a measure of success, you are. If you are reading this, I bet you have a lot to be grateful for, as I and as I’m encouraging myself, I hope to encourage to that you can do all things through Christ who gives US strength. Its never to  late to start over and your best days are yet to come.

Comment below on something that you have achieved so far this year. I and others would love to see what God has done in your lives.


Peace and Blessings!


Maybe it Maybelline..



Hey guys!

So the good people at Influenster sent me a complimentary Maybelline Fit Me Foundation. So far so good, it isn’t  bad, but it doesn’t just quite  fit my shade. I might have to mix to foundations to get my true shade. The coverage is wonderful and it does well at covering and hiding your pores and some dark marks. This product is great quality for a drugstore price. I have always loved Maybelline products and this one is a homerun for me. Make sure that you check out Maybelline products and tell them that Lizzy sent ya!

Thanks again to the great people at Influenster and Maybelline for this product!

Review video is here: or click on the photo to learn more!