
Good day everyone,

Hope you are all doing well. Today’s Monday inspiration is all about wellness. We have seen this word being passed around and now it’s mostly being related to fitness. I’ll do a series of wellness from now until March and April, depending on how long and how engaging the conversation goes. I think it will be interesting to see what you guys think and you can offer a different point of view on this series. I’m really excited and I can’t wait to jump on this. We are going to have a good time. If aren’t following me on social media, go on and follow!

Wishing you love and light!

Inspiration Mondays! Valentine’s Day Edition…

Hello People,

Welcome back! Hope you had a wonderful weekend. So today we will be talking about love. Valentine’s day is tomorrow, so I thought why not talk about the holiday of love?? What is love? Is it a feeling, an emotion or a decision?…hmmm think about it. When you choose to love someone you must do all three. You have to feel them out a bit, have some type of emotional connection with them, and lastley, decide if you want to be with them. The last point is really the hardest and the most important because you can have the last two connections with almost anyone. You have to decide if you want this person, meaning putting up with the pretty and ugly sides of them. This Valentine’s Day, if you are in a relationship, evaluate it, not just tomorrow, but every day. See and decide if you really want to be with this person and if they bring out the best of and in you.

Well, I hope this is some useful advice, and if you want to offer more, why not comment below. Have a great Valentine’s Day and enjoy yourselves.

Wishing you love and light..


Happy New Yearish….

Hello Everyone!
Happy New Year first of all, and I hope that your year has started off with good vibes and positivity all around. So, I want to know what you guys are up to, and what you want to see on this blog. I want to expand myself and explore some new territory this year. I have some ideas in store for this year and if you aren’t following me on my social media, then you’re missing out on a lot of fun things. Comment below on what you are excited about and if you have a blog, Instagram or anything else, let me know so I can check it out. Let’s be a supportive group of people because we accomplish a lot of we have each other around.

Wishing you nothing but love and light.
